Entrepreneur: A Poetic Reflection

Sometimes I like to procrastinate from things I probably should be doing by writing random acrostic poems. My creative brain thinks in connections and metaphors and around my birthday I decided to just go for it with the word ENTREPRENEUR. This was just a quick poetic reflection on entrepreneurship. I wrote a more introspective piece about my decision to leave the classroom called Two Teachers Diverged in a Yellow Classroom. Hey, when Big Magic strikes writers gotta write!

Everyone, everywhere has an opinion

Take them with a grain of salt

None of them have a short-cut or magic pill

Only you can determine what is right for your business

True success comes through testing out ideas through trial and error

It takes time to build a foundation

Redirection of your efforts and shifting your focus is commonplace

It’s happening behind the scenes, away from the social media highlight reels

Exciting opportunities await if you persevere

Ideas aren’t going to be enough

Passion for your products and services is essential

But be certain you are clear on your “why”

Ready yourself for long hours, falling tears, disappointed faces

Know what are you willing to sacrifice

Expect to be misunderstood, critiqued, crucified, and challenged

Stay the course despite the noise pollution

Notice what is working amongst all the things that aren’t

Celebrate wins no matter how small

Expect to be facing unchartered territory

You are a pioneer

Uncover your true purpose when you share your story

It may be bigger than you know

Risk disappointment, heartbreak, and defeat

Those are the fuel for your fire

Entrepreneur: A Poetic Reflection SSW